I’m normally a pretty upbeat person.  Some may disagree but I’d say it’s rare that I’m in a truly bad mood.

But this morning…

I’ve never used the phrase “Woke up on the wrong side of the bed” to describe my attitude but that sure was me today.  Everything seemed to bother me from the time I woke up.  Liam was up at 5:40 leaving me none of my quiet morning time.  He wanted a snack…a piece of cheese that is.  What kid wants cheese at six o’clock in the morning?  Then we’re off to the sitters fifteen minutes late.  I get to school where my room is a disaster because I had to leave early on Friday because Liam had a temperature.  I try to make some last minute copies but the copier breaks.  I ran out of time to finish my reading lesson and I hadn’t made the right copies for my math lesson…  All before lunch.  Need I go on?

All of this just had me in a funk that I couldn’t get rid of.

And then there’s the telling people we’re moving to Montana.

All the men that Matt tell are like “Way to go!  What a dream!  That’s awesome!” while all the people I tell are like “Awww, I thought you were pregnant!  You can’t move!  You’re leaving us?!”

Why is that?  Yes, women are built differently.  Yada yada.  But, really.  In the back of all women’s minds are all the pieces that get to the end mark (packing, cleaning, moving, transferring records, new doctors, day care, schools, parks, neighborhoods, churches…) while all the men think are the end result “new adventure”.

It’s enough to lift Matt even higher into the clouds and confirm this is going to be great and make the move even harder on me.

So, I was sitting here thinking if there was one place that women would get excited for another woman to move her family to.  Some/few would argue that Montana is that place….but for the majority, where would that be?

If I was telling everyone I was moving to somewhere at the beach would their reactions be different? I don’t know.  I do know that I don’t think the men would be near as excited by that prospect as they all seem to be about Montana.

'What do you mean, you've had a terrible day? You just got up five minutes ago.'

Here’s to a better Tuesday!

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