It was our very last lesson of our color unit! Let me be honest about one thing: I DID IT!

Did what you ask? I actually did 6 art lessons without missing a week! I know all of you homeschool mom’s must be saying a silent cheer for me, right? It’s hard to stay committed to something that is so “optional”. That sounds bad but surely you know what I mean?

It’s ‘easy’ to get math and language arts done because those are must-have subjects. But, just like in school, the arts are so easy to push to the side simply telling your self that it can be done later.

So, I’ll say it again with some real footage of me (just kidding!):

I Did It GIF by Chicks on the Right


We’ve done a lot of painting in this unit, but hey, it’s all about colors. And it’s not like you can mix marker colors together – at least not without making this mom scream (am I right?).

This time, using the Discussion Read Aloud and the video in the lesson plan, we talked a lot about how colors can make us feel certain ways and how using certain colors can make a painting more joyful or more sad. It was the perfect opportunity to review two of the painters and paintings we learned about in the weeks prior.

It was also the perfect opportunity to practice mixing colors again!

It was really fun to see the kids try to “change my feelings” about their paintings just by using different colors.

What We Learned

By the end of the lesson, they were able to:

They also now has a good understanding of many new vocabulary words such as:

My entire lesson plan and the Discussion Read Aloud can be purchased here.

Here’s a little secret, though. Any Glue Sticks and Games blog subscriber receives these materials FREE in their inbox each week! So, snag your copy of this lesson and then sign up to get the rest of the year for free!

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Other Great Resources

Here are some great resources that are not included in my Lesson Plan but that I felt were still worth mentioning. And I’m sure I’ll come back to these when we have space time throughout our week.



See You Soon!

Next week we are starting our NEW UNIT!! Don’t miss out…and get ready for some fun projects ahead!


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Don’t Miss Out!

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Check out all about the ENTIRE YEAR of art lessons here.

And don’t forget about music! Find out all about those year long plans here!

Here are some previous art lessons you might enjoy:
Lesson 1 – Cave Painting
Lesson 2 – Ancient Egyptian Art
Lesson 3 – Mixing Colors
Lesson 4 – Claude Monet
Lesson 5 – James Whistler

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