Brass Family

This is our very last instrument family lesson! I have enjoyed each week with Liam but am excited for what is ahead in the next few weeks! We’ll be learning about Mozart. Do you know what I’m most looking forward to? Putting on some of his music and having Liam simply sit and listen. How […]

Woodwind Family Lesson Plan and Activities

I played the recorder in fifth grade and the clarinet in sixth through eighth grades. With four years of lessons, I can only still play Hot Cross Buns. With the purchase of the recorder for Liam a few weeks bet I’m betting I might be able to pick-up a Christmas song or two…if only I […]

Many Strings, Many Instruments

One of the joys of homeschooling is that school can happen anytime or anywhere, right? That’s what I told myself when we skipped our music lesson on Thursday and again on Friday. But when the cold, rainy Sunday came along, we had the perfect opportunity. Matt, my husband, was home and somehow we all ended […]

Bang! Clang!: The Percussion Family

I don’t think there is a single mother in the world who hasn’t had a child grab some sort of stick and start banging it on anything they could find. And not just a gentle tap. But the sort of banging and clanging that just seems to cut straight to the area of your brain […]

Instruments Have Families

When I was younger I played the piano and clarinet. I know the tiniest bit about reading music and basic instruments. Like most every child who ever took up playing an instrument, I can remember my mom constantly telling me to practice and me constantly not wanting to. One day she spoke words that meant […]