I am by no means a chef. More often than not I will mess something up when I am following a recipe. Once, it took me three times to get a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe right because I kept using 1/2 a stick of butter instead of 1/2 a cup. Big difference. As my husband says, “Attention to detail.”

So, as the name Pulled Pork Burrito Bowl might suggest, there should be BBQ in a bowl. But, as always, there was a bit of a mishap. It actually turned out better in my opinion but more about that in a bit.

Here’s what you need:

Note: The recipe calls for a tomato but I didn’t have one. Oh well. We made do. I told you recipes with me are almost never perfect. I like to keep my family on their toes.

So, the hardest part of the recipe is getting the BBQ. We (well, Matt’s dad when he was here) made homemade BBQ. We had a lot left over so we stuck it in a freezer bag to be turned into something delicious later on.

It thawed with no problem and was ready to go. Plus, it had a great flavor. I’ve also seen BBQ in the refrigerator section of the grocery store so you could always go that route. Aaaaaand, I’ve made BBQ in the slow cooker before. Super easy.

Second hardest part? Chopping everything up. OK, that wasn’t hard but that’s just how easy this recipe is.

That’s as thin as I go without slicing my fingers!
Slice and dice!
Never in my life had I used a kitchen scale until I married Matt. I always saw them for weighing drugs (on TV people!!)
Of course Baby Boy always wants to be held when dinner needs to be made.

Then, what I love about all easy recipes: keep it all in one pan! Throw in the onions and peppers with some oil.

Then some fajita spice blend. My blend actually came from a recipe in a kid’s cooking kit I bought Liam. And it’s a good one!

Then add a bit more oil and the BBQ. Stir it all up until the BBQ is warmed up.

DONE! Kind of. Here’s where I confess my mistake. I mean, mistakes.

That tomato I thought I had but didn’t. It was the key ingredient in the homemade salsa I was supposed to make. So I just turned the cilantro and red onions into toppings.

And the recipe is Pulled Pork Burrito BOWL. The jasmine rice in the ingredient picture? Yea I somehow I messed it up. That is why I normally cook with a rice cooker, people. It’s much harder to mess up rice there.

So we improvised. I pulled out some chips and we had BBQ nachos as Liam was so proud to show off.

The real recipe (minus my momma mishaps) can be found here on Hello Fresh’s website.

And what could make this easy meal even better? Matt made the leftovers into an omelette the next morning!

Give it a try. You won’t be disappointed: in my way or the real way!

And if you want the recipe for the fajita blend I used, subscribe to my blog and/or follow me on Instagram/Facebook and I’ll send you the recipe!

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