Well, it’s been months since I wrote…and one MAJOR thing has happened…

Let’s be honest. In this day of social media, simple things in life are not so simple anymore. Pinterest has set the bar thousands of feet too high for the most average woman to ever achieve. There are millions of house decorating ideas, hundreds upon hundreds of recipes to try and don’t get me started on all the DIY projects you can find. Do it yourself? Yea right.

Years ago, announcing you were pregnant was as simple as saying to a friend, “Hey, we’re pregnant.” Or, even further back, your friend might have guessed before you because your mood and eating habits changed. Now, we can find out about our small miracle mere days after we conceive, leaving us weeks and weeks to come up with the most perfect way to share our news.

And by ‘share our news’ I don’t mean how you will verbally tell. It’s all about how you will share it on social media. The ultimate perfect picture. Do you want to be funny? Heartfelt? Creative? Ultimately, you want to be unique.

But, all of these unique photos boil down to just a few categories. Need some help narrowing it down? Here are some ideas!


Whether it be Valentines Day, Fourth of July or Christmas, you can guarantee someone on my newsfeed has a creative pregnancy announcement. And it almost always comes with a quirky saying about a “little firecracker” or “the best present is yet to come”.


What better way to announce your newest bundle of joy than using the eldest sibling(s)? Superheros. Holding a book. Carrying a sign. Wearing a cute shirt. No matter how you do it, you get the double awww factor: 1) for you future bundle of joy and 2) for the cuteness overload of your precious little(s).


The only thing that measures up to the cuteness of a little baby is a furry, loveable pet. And don’t get me wrong, cats are furry and (sometimes) cute but the pet dogs are what get me saying awwwwwww. They have absolutely no idea what’s going on as you hang a sign around their neck or tie some cute trinket around their neck. I can only imagine what goes through their head as you stand in front of them trying to get the perfect look for the camera.

Small Items

Who doesn’t love a teeny, tiny little baby shoes? I can’t help but gawk and awe anytime I see a pair. (I also do the same thing when I see tiny ketchup bottles or minature little toys). Liam’s first pair of real shoes from his Uncle C were lime green Nikes and I think I made a small awww every time I put them on him.


Ultrasound pictures are the ultimate proof that your announcement is real, so why not include them? Everyone loves to get a glimpse of the itty bitty baby to be. Whether you and your significant other are holding them or you strategically place it amongst some decorative decor, you can guarentee your friends will be zooming in to see the newest addition.

New Enthusiast

Are you a huge Atlanta Braves fan? Why not announce your newest addition with a new Braves jersey. Or maybe you love fishing. Make your announcement fishing down by the lake (bonus if you have a small fishing pole!). Or the ever popular Disney enthusiast is sure to have some a pair of baby mouse ears picked out and ready for their first photo opportunity. Sharing your passions with your children are what we as parents do…so why not start with the announcement of their birth?


This is usually incorportated with one of the other categories. A cute sign amongst holiday decor or a sibling holding a witty saying. No matter how it’s done it’s the perfect way to share the date that life will forever change.

And as you can see from my pictures at the top, I am as uncreative as they come. I check off several of the categories in my not one, but two, announcements. But, as all millennials long for, I received plenty of comments and congratulations via social media and my news was successfully shared with the entire world.

And I was equally as uncreative with Liam’s baby announcement as well.

Do yourself a favor and at least narrow down to one of these themes.

Now, just a few more days until I can try and capture the perfect newborn picture to announce Baby’s arrival…!

I’d love to see or hear about how you announced your sweet bundles of joy. Scroll down and leave a comment below!

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