I would place a wager that if you said “Mozart” to ten people almost everyone would recognize his name. But not everyone would be able to tell you something about him. When we played our Mozart activity at the end of our lesson, I was very impressed by the facts Liam was able to remember. I hope that one day when someone says “Mozart” to him he’ll know more than ‘He was an old music guy from a long time ago.’

I think I learned just about as much during this lesson as Liam did. For instance, I didn’t know that Mozart died poor or that he was touring Europe at the age of six.

I really enjoyed learning a long side of him this week. And, isn’t that partially what homeschool is all about? Teaching AND learning with our children?!



History lessons relating to the lives of people are not always the most interesting or engaging.

This week, though, Liam and I had a good time learning about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart through puzzles, discussions, pictures books, videos, songs and games.


If that sounds like a lot for one lesson, it can be. But I’ve got it all for you in this lesson plan.


I laughed when Liam put together the puzzle of Mozart and told me it was George Washington. I mean, all men in that era look exactly the same don’t they? What was it with those white wigs anyway?

We listened to one of Mozart’s more famous pieces and I encouraged Liam to the instruments he heard. It was the perfect review of our unit on instrument families…and a nice, calm 5.6 seconds of quiet!

His favorite Mozart activity of the lesson, though, was probably the Life of Mozart Sorting Game. It could have been the thrill of trying to beat me but I really think it was the excuse to get to run in the house.


What We Learned

By then end of the lesson, he was able to:

He also now has a good understanding of many new vocabulary words such as:

My entire lesson plan and the lesson Read Aloud can be purchased here.


Here’s a little secret, though. Any Glue Sticks and Games blog subscriber receives these materials FREE in their inbox each week! So, snag your copy of this lesson and then sign up to get the rest of the year for free!

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Other Great Resources

Here are some great resources that are not included in my Lesson Plan but that I felt were still worth mentioning. And I’m sure I’ll come back to these when we have space time throughout our week.




See You Soon!


Next week we’ll continue learning about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart but with a twist. We will have another Mozart activity and we will try our hand at composing our own music just like he did!

The Whole Year

Check out all about the ENTIRE YEAR of music lessons here.

And don’t forget about art! Find out all about those year long plans here!

Here are some previous music lessons you might enjoy:
Lesson 1- Melody, Harmony, Rhythm
Lesson 2 – Musical Instrument Families
Lesson 3 – Percussion Instrument Family
Lesson 4 – String Instrument Family
Lesson 5 – Woodwind Instruments
Lesson 6 – Brass Instruments

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