One of the joys of homeschooling is that school can happen anytime or anywhere, right? That’s what I told myself when we skipped our music lesson on Thursday and again on Friday.

But when the cold, rainy Sunday came along, we had the perfect opportunity. Matt, my husband, was home and somehow we all ended up dancing to The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Maybe not the most appropriate song but what five year old actually listens to the lyrics? He was most excited when he heard the fiddle solo.


When I was younger I took guitar lessons for a few weeks until the teacher quite honestly told my mom that I “didn’t have the ear for it”. I still have that guitar but it’s 2,000 miles away in my grandparents basement.

I really wish I did have it because I would love for Liam to learn how to play…and it would have been a great introduction to our lesson.

But instead we listened to some guitar music playing on Alexa while he played his “air guitar”.

Yes, this is him playing an air guitar. Apparently, it must be played while spinning in circles and laughing hysterically.

We discussed our Read Aloud and used the Picture Cards to talk about the different stringed instruments.

Of course without any actual stringed instruments to play, YouTube saved us once again.

He loved this one video that showed the most unique stringed instruments from around the world. He kept pausing the video to tell me the funny name of an instrument or some fun fact about it.

Then he made his own electric guitar. I had to remind him it was not actually electric but he said “I can use my imagination.” True. Very true.

What We Learned

By then end of the lesson, they were able to:

He also now has a good understanding of many new vocabulary words such as:

My entire lesson plan and the lesson Read Aloud can be purchased here.

Here’s a little secret, though. Any Glue Sticks and Games blog subscriber receives these materials FREE in their inbox each week! So, snag your copy of this lesson and then sign up to get the rest of the year for free!

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Other Great Resources

Here are some great resources that are not included in my Lesson Plan but that I felt were still worth mentioning. And I’m sure I’ll come back to these when we have space time throughout our week.


See You Soon!

Join us as we continue to learn about each of the instrument families!!!

The Whole Year

Check out all about the ENTIRE YEAR of music lessons here.

And don’t forget about art! Find out all about those year long plans here!

Here are some previous music lessons you might enjoy:
Lesson 1- Melody, Harmony, Rhythm
Lesson 2 – Musical Instrument Families
Lesson 3 – Percussion Instrument Family

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9 Responses

  1. We’re a music loving family too. My husband plays piano and our daughter is in lessons. We’re waiting to see when our son will be ready for lessons. He wants to learn the guitar.

  2. What a wonderful idea! I’ll share this with my best friend because her son loves to learn and play different instruments. Thank you for this guide!

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