Sixteen years old. Windows down. Music turned up. Singing at the top of my lungs. Maybe it was Backstreet Boys. Maybe it was Simple Plan. All I know is that I was feeling great.

Fast forward almost twenty years. Windows up and heat blasting. Music turned up. Singing at the top of my lungs. But now there’s another voice behind me. And the song choice is a bit different. These days it’s been a mix of Frozen and Scooby Doo.

But the feeling is the same.

What’s Music For?

Music is to be enjoyed. I know all to well that you do not have to have a great voice to enjoy singing. Honestly, my favorite church worship services are the ones with loud music so that I can really sing my heart out without feeling like the lady in front of me who sings perfectly on key is judging me.

How Can We Experience Music?

Music is not just singing either. Music can be experienced in so many ways. How about dance?

Now, I was a wall-flower at almost every school dance I ever went to. And in college I did swing-dancing. But there is just not much rhythm inside this body. As I’ve gotten older (and out of the everyone-is-judging-me mindset), I’ve come to enjoy dancing a bit more. This is really only shown during my dance parties with a five year old and one year old (and they seem to think I’m the best dancer around) but it’s still fun to let loose and feel the music.

You can also experience music by going to any type of musical performance whether it be a local rock band, a marching band at a parade, or an orchestra performance.

There is so much more to music than just songs on the radio. Music is for everyone to ENJOY.

So What Can I Do?

It’s my hope that over the next year I can teach Liam more about music than just singing Frozen or having fun at our impromptu dance parties. Using the topics from Core Knowledge’s First Grade objectives, here’s an overview of what we’ll be learning this year:

I would love for you to follow along and learn all about music along side of us. These homeschool music lessons are sure to teach your child (and you!) something. We will:

Just subscribe to be the first to know about what we are learning…and learn with us!

Where do you “see music” in your life right now?

Are you new to homeschooling? You may be interested in these posts as well:

Homeschooling with Core Knowledge
Homeschool Options on a Budget
Year Long Art Lessons

11 Responses

    1. YAY! I’ll be starting with my son next week so they first blog post should go live the week after! I have an art one too. If you subscribe you’ll get info about that too 🙂

  1. What a fun idea! I’ve done some research into a few topics for potential homeschool (my daughter is only 2) but haven’t really looked into music education yet! Thanks for sharing this resource – I will def check it out!

  2. This looks like a great schedule and I believe it’s important to teach kids about music! I grew up playing piano and flute. I haven’t touched either in years, but I’m hoping to maybe get my daughter into piano.

  3. This is a great idea! I am thinking when will my daughter get over Disney songs but I guess the only way is to expose her to different genres. Thank you for sharing these. Will follow your suggested plan.

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