This lesson was one that I was thankful I had everything right in front of me. The lesson plan. The Read Aloud. The Read Aloud pictures. The activities and printables.

Do you ever have those days? Days when you know exactly what needs to be done but your body just seems to be doing the bare minimum and refuses to do more.

georgia o'keeffe kids


Once again we learned so much about this amazing artist. We actually did this lesson while my husband was home for lunch and he just sat listening to our discussion and then simply said “Well, I didn’t know all that.”

This lesson’s Discussion Read Aloud included many different pictures to really show Liam some of Georgia O’Keeffe’s artwork. He was fascinated by how many times she painted the same object but in different ways.

georgia o'keeffe kids

Directly after we had finished discussing the Read Aloud I had an important phone call I had to take. I told Liam to wait on me to explain the art project but by the time I had returned he had completed it!

georgia o'keeffe kids

While there were a few aspects that I would have explained for him to do differently, I was super proud of how excited he was to complete his project.

Yes, the mom in me wanted to say “I told you to wait.” but sometimes things just need to slide. He enjoyed working on his project and that is what mattered the most at that moment.

georgia o'keeffe kids

What We Learned

By the end of the lesson, he was able to:

He also now has a good understanding of many new vocabulary words such as:

My entire lesson plan can be purchased here.

georgia o'keeffe kids

Here’s a little secret, though. Any Glue Sticks and Games blog subscriber receives these materials FREE in their inbox each week! So, snag your copy of this lesson and then sign up to get the rest of the year for free!

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Other Great Resources

Here are some great resources that are not included in my Lesson Plan but that I felt were still worth mentioning. And I’m sure I’ll come back to these when we have space time throughout our week.



See You Soon!

Next week we will shift our focus to shapes! Really a shape is just many lines connected together. So our lessons will be much the same as they have been but with new artists and paintings to discover!

henri matisse kids
henri matisse kids

Don’t Miss Out!

henri matisse kids

Check out all about the ENTIRE YEAR of art lessons here.

And don’t forget about music! Find out all about those year long plans here!

Here are some previous art lessons you might enjoy:
Lesson 1 – Cave Painting
Lesson 2 – Ancient Egyptian Art
Lesson 3 – Mixing Colors
Lesson 4 – Claude Monet
Lesson 5 – James Whistler
Lesson 6 – Warm and Cool Colors
Lesson 7 – So Many Lines
Lesson 8 – Henri Matisse

Pin for Later

georgia o'keeffe kids
georgia o'keeffe kids

14 Responses

    1. I hope you were able to get up and go. Today we have sunshine and it’s amazing how much easier it is to get things done with some Vitamin D!

  1. Georgia O’Keefe’s work is fascinating and beautiful! I love this project and think my more creative kid would LOVE this.

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