Wrong Side of the Bed

I’m normally a pretty upbeat person.  Some may disagree but I’d say it’s rare that I’m in a truly bad mood. But this morning… I’ve never used the phrase “Woke up on the wrong side of the bed” to describe my attitude but that sure was me today.  Everything seemed to bother me from the […]

And the verdict is…

…we’re moving to Montana!  What will that make us?  Montananites?  Montanaians?  I have no idea. I’ve yet to be able to utter the words “We’re moving to Montana” except to Matt and I think I literally only said it once.  Saying it out loud makes it so real. All the worries that come with this […]

Always a Little Girl

October 4, 2016 We all seek approval, and our mother’s seal is usually the most important.  – Beth Ditto Approval: the action of officially agreeing or accepting something as satisfactory I don’t outwardly go looking for it in my daily life but I get an extra skip in my step if someone says “I really […]