I Want My Mommy!

May 15, 2017 Warning: This is a REAL LIFE post.  Moving 2,000 miles away is not without its struggles. Toddlers are little but they have lots of personalities…and constantly keep you guessing! I looked back at Liam this afternoon as we were driving down the road and just had an ‘oh wow’ moment.  His legs […]

How to Take a Toddler On a Drift Boat

May 8, 2017 The boat rocked gently back and forth.  I looked up from the book I’d been reading for the past fifteen minutes or so and saw Liam sitting quietly in his seat gazing up as Matt cast his rod out over the water.  Liam seemed to be taking in Matt’s every move as […]

Another Walking Adventure

May 2, 2017 As I sit here writing this, it is snowing outside.  Nothing that will stick but some big flakes none the less.  Oh Montana spring.  How confusing you are. The Montana Dietrich clan had some good adventures this weekend.  Possibly too much as a certain little Dietrich has ended up with a bad […]

I’m not the only one who likes FREE, right?

FREE: adv. without cost or payment There is no better sale than FREE.  Everyone loves a BOGO sale.  Who can resist getting something for nothing?! I’m the worst for going into a grocery store, seeing a BOGO sale and buying two even if I only needed one (or sometimes none!).  What’s an extra 60 oz […]

Tractors and Coffee

Liam and I have been keeping very busy here lately. On Monday, we started with a short to-do list Matt had already made for me – get our new license plate.  Sounds simple, right?  But nothing government related is that easy. I got to the courthouse at 8:00.  That was the first confusing thing to […]

We Made It!

It still hasn’t hit me that I am in Montana to stay.  To STAY.  It seems odd to me that something so obvious and matter-of-fact doesn’t “feel” real.  But, in time, I’m sure the feeling will arrive…and probably with a slight panic attack if I’m completely honest. Packing the house was one thing.  Packing items […]