The Powerful Gift of Giving For Young Children


This morning I wasn’t feeling great. I had gone to bed with prayers of not catching my youngest son’s terrible cold and pink eye. After a decent night’s sleep, I still woke up exhausted. So when I had gotten my youngest and the young boy I nanny to sleep at the same time, I decided […]

Huckleberry App Review: A Miracle App

Sleep. I LOVE sleep. I’m much more a morning person than a night owl…once I get up. But let’s be honest. That’s the hard part. I never want to get out of my nice, warm bed with all the covers piled on top of me. Just this morning I convinced myself that 30 more minutes […]

Handling Worry

I’m a worrier. I don’t know why. Maybe I was born with it (maybe it’s Maybelline…ha! I couldn’t resist). Maybe it’s a learned habit. Maybe it’s simply from reading and watching the news (which is filled with all the scary things of this world). No matter the reason, I worry. I worry what people will […]

A Letter to My Son: The Night Before He Becomes a Big Brother

Dear My Only Child of Four Years, I am sitting in bed right now thinking about you. Praying for you. Tomorrow morning you will wake up as an only child. Your world will look and feel the same. The same room. Same dinosaur covers. Same Paw Patrol fire truck that I keep tripping over. Same […]

What’s in the basket this year?

Here comes Peter Cottontail…. Up from the grave He arose! No matter which song you sing at Easter time (or both if you’re in my family), I bet there will most likely be an Easter basket laying out for your child(ren) on Easter morning. I know every year there was an Easter basket waiting for me […]

Confessions of an (Almost) Second Time Mom

Being a first-time mommy brought plenty of fears. The number one: Will I be able to keep this child alive?! But being a second-time mommy is bringing a whole new crop of fears. Nothing that is surprising, though. There are so many articles about how to prepare for a second child and numerous blog posts […]

Pets, Shoes, Signs, Oh My!: Baby Announcements

Well, it’s been months since I wrote…and one MAJOR thing has happened… Let’s be honest. In this day of social media, simple things in life are not so simple anymore. Pinterest has set the bar thousands of feet too high for the most average woman to ever achieve. There are millions of house decorating ideas, […]

Slow Down…and Listen

December 13, 2018 Walkmans.  Pagers.  VHS.  Car phones.  Floppy discs.  GameBoy. They’re all technologies of the past.  They’ll never make a comeback and you’ll probably only ever see them in a museum…or in a box of your old stuff packed away in the basement. I never had a pager but I can remember having a […]

We Weren’t Quite the Grizwald’s

November 27, 2018 Yesterday, I wrote about starting holiday traditions.  I’d say almost every family can talk about how or where they get their Christmas tree every year.  For some, it’s straight out of a box that has been hidden away for the last twelve months in the basement or attic.  For others, it’s a […]

TicTacs, Turkeys and Traditions

November 26, 2018 Holiday’s for some families are marked by age-old traditions.  For others, each year is a new plan.  Growing up, I had a bit of both.  For the years that I lived in North Carolina, Thanksgiving and Christmas were always spent at my grandparents for lunch.  Yet, when we lived out of state […]