Homemade Poptarts

If you like pop tarts, then you will love these strawberry Homemade Poptarts. There are only four ingredients and the recipe card makes it easy for even the littlest chef to follow along! I was a very picky eater as a kid. OK, those that are reading this and know me would probably argue that I […]

Thanksgiving Family Traditions

Two years ago I wrote a blog post titled TicTac, Turkeys and Traditions. I wrote about how the best family traditions are made by chance and not on purpose. Yes, even Thanksgiving family traditions. We were about to spend out second holiday season away from family and I had been thinking a lot about traditions. […]

7 Must-Do Halloween Family Traditions

Christmas family traditions. Halloween family traditions. Fourth of July family traditions. You name a holiday and you probably have at least one tradition that you had as a child or have made since starting a family. Some families have traditions that go back so many generations that they feel cursed if they ever break them. […]

Cheesy Taco Soup

As predicted, the snow came. Actually, it’s coming and coming and coming some more. So, in true east coast fashion, I am not leaving the house. Well, I do have to get Liam from preschool in a few hours. Is he too young to walk home? There’s nothing better than a big bowl of soup […]

Easy Spicy Thai Noodles

What’s Asian food? Growing up, Italian food is what I ate the most of. The more noodles the better. I ate so much macaroni and cheese that I can remember my mom telling me I was going to turn into a noodle. Asian food was never on the menu for us. I’m not sure why. […]

Pulled Pork Nachos

I am by no means a chef. More often than not I will mess something up when I am following a recipe. Once, it took me three times to get a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe right because I kept using 1/2 a stick of butter instead of 1/2 a cup. Big difference. As my […]

The Painter Who Never Gave Up

Baby nurseries: they are all over Pinterest! Zoo animal theme. Woodland theme. Under the Sea theme. Fairy tale theme. Bright, Crayola crayon colors. Light, pastel colors. Deep, dark colors. And everything in between. I remember actually stressing about Liam’s nursery over four years ago. It seems that everyone wanted to know the theme of the […]

Bread: Round 1

October 5, 2017 Rolls.  Garlic bread.  Cinnamon rolls.  Bread sticks.  French bread.  Croutons.  Sourdough.  White.  Wheat.  Pizza crust. They are all bread.  Hot, soft, sweet bread.  Each delectable in their own way. At Italian restaurants I could make a meal just on the bread they bring out dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  And […]

How Did Women Mother Before Pinterest?

July 28, 2017 It’s Friday and I have no car.  Matt is being a fishing guide for a gentleman from North Carolina. This morning a sweet friend came and picked Liam and I up so we could go to a play date at the Splash Pad in town.  But we are now home and Liam […]

Snow Day Cooking

May 17, 2017.  Bozeman, MT.  It snowed ALL day.  Big, fat, gorgeous flakes.  All.  Day. Liam and I headed out before the snow got too crazy and went to the Children’s Museum here in town and was pleasantly surprised with some of the activities for him to do.  It will definitely be well visited by […]