Shapes in Art Lesson Plan and Activities

We are nearing Thanksgiving. As I write this I am wondering “Why did we not make turkeys out of shapes?” I am also wondering why my one year old is refusing to nap today. I will never know the answers to my questions… So, instead, I’ll concentrate on some shape art lesson plans. HA! Lesson […]

Meet the Orchestra Lesson

Let me just say that there is nothing better to keep yourself on track than knowing that you need to create a blog post by a certain day! We have been a bit behind but Liam decided he wanted to do this orchestra lesson one evening…while Dad was home. Here’s what happens while you are […]

Georgia O’Keeffe

This lesson was one that I was thankful I had everything right in front of me. The lesson plan. The Read Aloud. The Read Aloud pictures. The activities and printables. Do you ever have those days? Days when you know exactly what needs to be done but your body just seems to be doing the […]

Mozart the Composer: Lesson and Activity

What is the most annoying toy that you own? Most likely it is one that makes noise! What if I could tell you that you can take one of those annoying toys and turn it into a very educational activity? I bet I’ll have you sold after this Mozart activity. LESSON I had a lot […]

Henri Matisse – Lesson and Activity for Kids

I am loving learning along with Liam! My friend who brought her daughters over told me the same thing. We are both learning just about as much as the children are with these art lessons! This lesson focusing on Henri Matisse was no different! Lesson We played the Line Matching Game from last week for […]

Mozart’s Life: Lesson and Activity

mozart activity

I would place a wager that if you said “Mozart” to ten people almost everyone would recognize his name. But not everyone would be able to tell you something about him. When we played our Mozart activity at the end of our lesson, I was very impressed by the facts Liam was able to remember. […]

So Many Lines!

We were so excited to start a new art unit this week. We had a good time learning all about mixing colors and how both James Whistler and Claude Monet paid such close attention to the colors in their paintings. But, I’d say Liam and I were both ready for something new. So our line […]

Brass Family

This is our very last instrument family lesson! I have enjoyed each week with Liam but am excited for what is ahead in the next few weeks! We’ll be learning about Mozart. Do you know what I’m most looking forward to? Putting on some of his music and having Liam simply sit and listen. How […]

Warm and Cool Colors

It was our very last lesson of our color unit! Let me be honest about one thing: I DID IT! Did what you ask? I actually did 6 art lessons without missing a week! I know all of you homeschool mom’s must be saying a silent cheer for me, right? It’s hard to stay committed […]

Woodwind Family Lesson Plan and Activities

I played the recorder in fifth grade and the clarinet in sixth through eighth grades. With four years of lessons, I can only still play Hot Cross Buns. With the purchase of the recorder for Liam a few weeks bet I’m betting I might be able to pick-up a Christmas song or two…if only I […]