This is our very last instrument family lesson! I have enjoyed each week with Liam but am excited for what is ahead in the next few weeks!

We’ll be learning about Mozart. Do you know what I’m most looking forward to? Putting on some of his music and having Liam simply sit and listen. How long do you think I can make it last for? I’m only part joking.

I hope you’ll join us!



Quite honestly our lesson this week was quick. My in-laws are visiting and a music lesson wasn’t high on Liam’s list of things to do while they’re here.


However, he was interested in making a trumpet so I had some good time to have a discussion with him using the Discussion Read Aloud.


What We Learned

By then end of the lesson, he was able to:

He also now has a good understanding of many new vocabulary words such as:

My entire lesson plan and the lesson Read Aloud can be purchased here.

Here’s a little secret, though. Any Glue Sticks and Games blog subscriber receives these materials FREE in their inbox each week! So, snag your copy of this lesson and then sign up to get the rest of the year for free!

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Other Great Resources

Here are some great resources that are not included in my Lesson Plan but that I felt were still worth mentioning. And I’m sure I’ll come back to these when we have space time throughout our week.


See You Soon!

Join us next week as we spend some time learning about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!

The Whole Year

Check out all about the ENTIRE YEAR of music lessons here.

And don’t forget about art! Find out all about those year long plans here!

Here are some previous music lessons you might enjoy:
Lesson 1- Melody, Harmony, Rhythm
Lesson 2 – Musical Instrument Families
Lesson 3 – Percussion Instrument Family
Lesson 4 – String Instrument Family
Lesson 5 – Woodwind Instruments

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