October 4, 2016

We all seek approval, and our mother’s seal is usually the most important. 

– Beth Ditto

Approval: the action of officially agreeing or accepting something as satisfactory

I don’t outwardly go looking for it in my daily life but I get an extra skip in my step if someone says “I really like that outfit” or “My child is really enjoying your class this year.”  I don’t seek out approval but it sure feels nice when I get it.

As I read that definition, I now realize why approval may mean so much to me.  I am a people pleaser.  Always have been.  I have no doubt that I was probably the kid in class who sucked up to the  teacher.  At home, if I got in trouble, all my parents had to do was look at me with disappointment and that was punishment enough for me.

As I have been contemplating this move to Montana for what seems like ages, I know that truly what matters is what is best for myself, Matt and Liam.  But what do I constantly think about?  Other people.  I know how crushed our parents would be to see their only grandchild move 30+ hours away.  I think of friends who may never get to come out and see us (and those who are already planning their vacations…ha).  I think of coworkers and my students who I’d be leaving in a pinch.

All the while, I know it’s not about them.  It’s about us.

So today when my mom calls and tells me verbally that she supports us, a weight I didn’t even know I had was lifted.  Yes, she will still be sad if we move.  But hearing her say verbally that she supports us was affirmation I didn’t know I needed.  She went on to say some other things and I thought “She knows me.”  Of course she does.  She’s known me for 31 years.  She knows me as well as I know myself.

But, though I was not seeking my mother’s approval to move across country (nor do I need it), just hearing those words was exactly what this little girl at heart needed.

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