Father’s Day is just around the corner! It’s a fun day for children to celebrate the important man in their life whether it be a dad, grandad or some other father figure. I hope there will be some time to make memories with these activities on Father’s Day!


Father’s Day Scavenger Hunt

Hide His Gift

I think scavenger hunts are fun for all that are involved. The hider loves to watch the finder trying to figure out the clues. And the finder has the fun job of running around solving the puzzle with the ultimate goal of finding the prize. To me, it’s a win-win for everyone!

Liam love scavenger hunts. He loves to make clues, hide them around the house and watch me figure them out. And, of course, he loves when I hide a gift for him to find. We did this for the first time at the beginning of Covid.

Hiding Dad’s Father’s Day present is a fun activity for the day. Moms, just be sure to help the little one’s with the clues or use these preplanned clues to make life easier! But, if it goes anything like any of our scavenger hunts have, the children will eventually just tell the gift location out of sheer excitement!


Get to Know Dad

Dad is simply that. Dad. To my six year old son, his dad has only existed for six years. It’s hard for him to grasp that Dad was a kid one time too.

This scavenger hunt is for the kids to play but for Dad to share in all the fun. It’ll be time filled with laughter and probably learning a things or two about Dad.

There are no rules. Just use the printable anyway you see fit. Just encourage FUN!



Father’s Day Interview

Last year I asked my oldest a few questions about his dad, recorded his answers and then made a short video for Father’s Day. My husband loved it and I have a feeling it will be something we watch for years to come.

Kid’s answers to simple questions are always so insightful and usually hilarious.

I typed up some questions that I thought were worthy of asking my son. This year I plan on doing a video again and including my youngest. He’ll have no idea what I’m asking him but it will be cute none the less.



Father’s Day Board Game

My son is an absolute board game lover. Luckily for him his dad loves games too.

So, this Father’s Day, I’ve created them a game made for them. I couldn’t decide if they’d enjoy a fishing theme or golf theme (two things his dad loves) so I created both – and then added a few more themes for other dads!

This game includes questions such as “What is your favorite movie?” and “What would you want to do on a sunny day?” and can be played with Dad answering all the questions or the children answering them too. There will also be fist pumping, high fiveing and dance parties so don’t think that it’ll be a quite board game afternoon!

With two very competitive males in my house, I’m already preparing myself for some manly competition in our house!



Homemade Gifts

My husband is not sentimental but he knows the sweetness of receiving a handmade gift from our son.

And homemade gifts teach children so much. Like what you may ask?

We’ve done a variety of small gifts over the years mostly involving handmade cards or some sort of drawing (because I’m also not the most creative, I usually don’t have supplies on hand and I usually wait until last minute – anyone else?!).

Here are some fun (SIMPLE!) handmade gifts for Dad this year – or activities for Father’s Day if you are a bit of a procrastonator!



Do Something He Enjoys

Is there something that Dad enjoys? Yes, I’m sure he’d rather play golf without the entire family in tow but how about a round of putt-putt together? And, yes, he may enjoy playing an awe-inspiring game of adult softball with his buddies. But, maybe a day running bases with the family at the local ball field could be fun?

And, let’s face it. All dad’s love to eat don’t they? I’d say a cookout, picnic or a trip to his favorite restaurant would be a perfect thing to do…and don’t forget the dessert! I can already think of a few places my husband will pick – he’ll have trouble narrowing it down to just one!



Daddy Date Jar

So often dad’s (and mom’s too!) work all day and then rest or have family time in the evening, that one-on-one time with each child can be hard (or near impossible).

A fun activity to do together on Father’s Day would be to come up with things to do or places to go with each child. Maybe it’s one jar for the whole family or one for each child. Do what works for your family!

We have a day set aside each month for my husband and our oldest son to have a Daddy Date. The day is picked ahead of time but there has never been a time when they have picked an activity ahead of the actual day.

This year we’ll either do a version of the date jar (which you can purchase already done for you from the WhileHeWasNapping Etsy shop), this simple LEGO version or simply just make a list.



Save for Later

One More Thing

Grab this freebie to go along with the book!

Don’t want to forget these how to make memories with these activities on Father’s Day? Save the image below to save for later!

Hi, I’m Loren!

glue sticks and games - loren dietrich

I help parents and teachers educate their children through the power of games and other activities. I live in North Carolina with my two sons, my husband and our golden doodle. You can find me drinking a Mocha Latte in the mornings or eating chocolate candy in the afternoon!





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