Dear My Only Child of Four Years,

I am sitting in bed right now thinking about you. Praying for you. Tomorrow morning you will wake up as an only child. Your world will look and feel the same. The same room. Same dinosaur covers. Same Paw Patrol fire truck that I keep tripping over. Same people in the house. Probably even the same breakfast and “chocolaty chocolate milk” that you love.

It has been you, me and your Daddy for over four years now. For four years, we have been the center of your world and you have been the center of ours. We started our journey in North Carolina and together we have adventured to Montana. We have always been together. You have never had to share us.

It is sometimes hard to remember what it was like before we brought you home that sunny February day. You were so small and we had no idea what we were doing. But together we learned how to be a family. We learned to feed you and change you and snuggle you. And you learned that we would always be there. You taught us how to be a Mommy and a Daddy. You have given us so many laughs (and thankfully only a few scares). You have tested our patience. You have shown us how quickly you learn things and how closely you listen and watch us. You have become a little man in only a few short years.

Tomorrow your world will be forever changed. You know that Mashed Potato Kim (as you first named him) will be coming but I also know that your four-year-old mind still hasn’t comprehended that this brother will be here to stay.

You worried tonight that Mommy will have to stay in the hospital and you won’t be able to touch me at bedtime. Hearing you say this both made me smile and tear up at the same time. The hardest part of having your sweet brother will be being away from your for a few days. But you will have so much fun with your GiGi. And the presents Mommy has for you will hopefully make up for my absence for a bit.

Tomorrow you will gain the title of Big Brother. And what an amazing big brother you will be. Today I watched you run and play soccer, yelling for me to play with you. And in a few short years, I have no doubt you’ll be a soccer whiz and your little brother will be yelling for you to play with him.

I want you to know that even though he will need a lot of attention to begin with, I still love you every bit as much as I did when I put you to bed tonight. I still want your snuggles. It is my promise to you to make time for them. I still want your hugs and your sloppy wet kisses. I still want to color with you and paint with you and do crafts with you.

You are My Favorite Oldest Child and that will never change.

Before long, you too will not be able to remember what life was like before your brother came long. You’ll have the memories in pictures but your brother will always be a part of your life.

I love you BIG BROTHER! So get your Big Brother Superhero cape ready because the day has come to use your powers!

I love you forever,

2 Responses

  1. What a wonderful message to your son. Today it is a special letter, tomorrow and forever it will be treasure for Lliam.
    God bless you today as you enter into a new awesome time for your family.
    Love to all,
    Aunt Kathy

  2. Loren, you are such an awesome mama! It’s amazing how these sweet babies change our lives! I love reading your blog…you make me laugh and cry! I pray that God will continue to bless your sweet family! Miss you friend!

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