May 2, 2017

As I sit here writing this, it is snowing outside.  Nothing that will stick but some big flakes none the less.  Oh Montana spring.  How confusing you are.

The Montana Dietrich clan had some good adventures this weekend.  Possibly too much as a certain little Dietrich has ended up with a bad cold and a case of pink eye.  There is nothing sadder than listening to your toddler screaming from the back seat “Sleeeeeeeep!  Baby bedddddddd!”  (yes, his room currently has a full size guest bed, toddler bed and Pack N Play – aka ‘baby bed’) uncontrollably and there is nothing you can do but keep on driving.  And there is nothing sweeter than hearing your husband say he would give anything to trade places with the littlest one.

Matt worked on Saturday morning and then went fishing with some friends on the Madison River.

Liam and I took advantage of no car and gorgeous (yes, 50s are gorgeous) weather.    The morning was a slow start which is NEVER good with a two year old.  There was no peace getting ready and I finally had the ‘just do whatever and I’ll clean it later’ attitude.

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But, finally, off we went.

It was a mile back to the Museum of the Rockies that we went to a few weeks back and then another 1.2 miles to downtown.  I’ve drove the road many times but you see things so differently when you look slowly.  Isn’t that so true with life?  Walking down the residential road that led to downtown there was so much to see.  Liam pointed out every flower, pine cone and bird he saw.  I listened to his sweet voice sing songs he knew.  And when I tried to join in he said, “No, Mommy.  Liam sing.” (I guess I really only do get to sing alone in the car!)

I noticed all the different types of homes.  Homes that resembled the Brady Bunch house and homes from the early 1900s that had earned recognition from the Historical Society.  Even a sorority (or fraternity) house.  And a mailman delivering mail on foot.  Who knew mailmen even did that anymore?  Then again I didn’t realize people still had their mail delivered straight to their doors either.

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We made it the 2.2 miles downtown.  Our first stop was none other than a chocolate shop, The Chocolate Moose.  It is Bozeman’s very own Mast General Store except minus the clothes and with a small ice cream parlor!  Liam and I had a very nice date and it only cost me $1.95!

Then we headed over to the Country Bookshelf.  The teacher in me was in heaven.  There was such an assortment of children’s books.  A perfect mix of the classics like The Little Engine that Could to the popular new books like Llama Llama.  And they had most of the picture books arranged  so you can actually see the covers.  It is so hard to search for new books when they are all squished on the shelf side by side.

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Across the street from the bookshop is an old theatre, the Ellen Theatre.  It is your classic American downtown theatre.  You know, with balconies and gorgeous velvety red curtains?  You walk in and you feel like you have been transported back in time.   The marquee said that they were having a free showing of Aladdin.  First, FREE.  Need I say more?  Secondly, Aladdin?!  I loved that movie as a kid and haven’t seen it in ages.

Having no time frame that we needed to be home, Liam and I headed across the street.  Liam has only ever been to the theatre once and he barely lasted 30 minutes.  It was to see Trolls and even those 30 minutes were too much for me.  I was thankful when he had had enough.  (Yes, I know many of you thought Trolls was precious but I pray I will not have to be subjected to more movies like that as Liam gets older.  All the songs and sparkle and pooping out of cupcakes–that’s right–was enough for me).

But he lasted for every minute of Aladdin.  And when Jasmine and Aladdin are flying off on the magic carpet singing “A Whole New World” I couldn’t help but sing.  How is it that after 20 years I still knew almost every word?  I waited for Liam to ask me to be quiet but much to my delight when I did stop he looked at me and said “Sing Mommy.”

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On our 2.2 mile walk back home we stopped and got a pizza.  I fully planned on actually taking it back to the house but Liam can NOT get in his stroller without wanting–no, needing–to go to the ‘park’ near our house.  I exagerate when I say park because it’s really just a jungle gym you can buy at Home Depot for your backyard.  It has two swings and a platform with a slide.  But it is public and Liam loves it.

So we got the pizza to go, came home and got Tippet and some drinks and headed off to picnic at the park.

I may not be going to the gym but between my hot yoga and all of this walking, I am getting some exercise!

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Sunday we all went hiking to a pretty historical place (and I’d say that probably added to the sickness brewing inside of Liam)..but that story is for another day.

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