It still hasn’t hit me that I am in Montana to stay.  To STAY.  It seems odd to me that something so obvious and matter-of-fact doesn’t “feel” real.  But, in time, I’m sure the feeling will arrive…and probably with a slight panic attack if I’m completely honest.

Packing the house was one thing.  Packing items for the suitcase was a whole other ordeal.  But I’d say I pulled it off!

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And here’s what ended up shipping out here to Montana!

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The two flights at Christmas – well four if you consider that we had to connect – went well but Liam refused to nap.  And I just knew this trip would be the same so I planned an early flight.  The first leg of the trip he played with just about everything I had packed him.  Then we had a three-hour layover in Minnesota.  A sweet lady saw me letting him run off some energy and told us about a playground that was just a train ride away.  Needless to say, he energetically hopped in his stroller and off we went – him shouting “Playground!” and pumping his arms up and down as if he’d just won the Jackpot.

On the second leg of our trip I was prepared to have an overtired, restless little boy to entertain.  But much to my delight he was anything but.  This was the first flight that had the TV’s in the headrest.  I assumed that he’d watch a few minutes of something, get tired of the headphones, and be on to the next activity.  Not so much.

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And I got time to watch not one but TWO episodes of Fixer Upper!  I’d never seen the show before but knew all about them.  I have to say that their show is way more realistic in terms of the amount of money people have than House Hunters!  But you have to live in Waco, TX to be on Fixer Upper…I already checked!

Flying in to Bozeman was a bit different this time.  No snow on the ground!  But lots of brown.

Liam ran straight to Matt when we got off the plane.  After a giant hug, he wiggled down and ran over to a giant “dog”.  I guess we’re going to have to start naming some Montanian animals!

Let the adventure begin!!!

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