May 17, 2017.  Bozeman, MT.  It snowed ALL day.  Big, fat, gorgeous flakes.  All.  Day.

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Liam and I headed out before the snow got too crazy and went to the Children’s Museum here in town and was pleasantly surprised with some of the activities for him to do.  It will definitely be well visited by us this winter.

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Back in NC, snow days were baking days.  So, Triple Chocolate Cookies were on the menu for the afternoon.  Well, technically Double Chocolate because I decided not to stop at the store and get a second kind of chip.  My giant Costco bag of milk chocolate chips would suffice.

I have baked more here in the last almost two months than I did back home.  Baking during the day is enjoyable…even with a two year in tow “helping”.  Baking after working with 24 kids all day was not.  In NC, though, I had a KitchenAid mixer.  That baby could mix anything and everything.  We put it in storage when we moved here so I went and bought a hand mixer from Walmart.  As I so often do (even though Matt has told me for eight years ‘you get what you pay for’) I bought the cheapest one I could find.  I’m talking the mixer was only FIVE DOLLARS.  I only used it twice when I started smelling a heavy burning smell right before the beaters stopped turning.  Just like that.  Right in the middle of mixing some tasty brownie batter.

So I headed to Target a week later and bought one for twenty dollars.  Again, after just one batch of cookies, I started smelling burning.  I quickly turned it off and it seems to have survived this batch of cookies.  We’ll see about the next…

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Doesn’t all that chocolate just look wonderful?  And, yes, my child is licking the beater.  He actually asked “stick finger bowl?” so it seemed smarter to hand over the beater.  After all, I’d already cleaned off most of the batter anyway!

These cookies are a cross between fudgy brownies and cookies.  When the recipe says DO NOT OVERCOOK you know they are bound to be good.  It just left me panicking and second guessing myself when the timer went off and I looked in and they still looked gooey.  Plus the temperature seems a bit off in the oven here.  But, they turned out delicious with some non-expert guessing on my part.

And if your mouth is watering right now and you are wishing you were here with me (I mean the snow is gone and it’s going to be in the 50’s tomorrow!) here’s the link to the super easy Pioneer Woman recipe.  I can’t think of a time I’ve tried a recipe that wasn’t rated as ‘easy’.

Give them a try.  If you love chocolate half as much as me (and my child apparently), you’ll be glad you did.


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