34, 31, 33, 33, 32, 37, 37, 30, 21, 18

What are those numbers?  Those are the HIGHS for the next ten days in Bozeman.  Did you catch the last two numbers?!

Is your heart racing a bit fast like mine when I saw those numbers?  I bet I can make it beat faster.

24, 11, 20, 15, 18, 22, 20, 12, 4, 1

Those are the LOWS!  My mind can’t really process that.  Has it EVER been in the single digits in Marion?  If it has, I have completely blocked out the memory.  In fact, I probably either stayed in bed because my house was equally as cold or I laid on the couch all day under my big horse blanket (a crazy warm blanket that doesn’t have a horse on it despite it’s name) and watched movies all day.

As I sit at the computer trying to take advantage of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, I don’t even know where to begin to buy clothes that will keep this thin-blooded girl warm. I think I will just start layering on clothes like Joey did in Friends and walk around like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.


As if those minuscule numbers were not bad enough, four of those frigid days call for snow showers.  Matt has been there a few days now and he has already gotten about an inch of snow.

A view from when Matt was walking Tippet.

Don’t get me wrong.  That scene is beautiful.  Let’s just hope that I find a way to enjoy it personally and not from Matt’s pictures on Facebook!

Matt left 8 days ago and has been in Bozeman now for 5 days.  Him and Jerry were dead set on getting to Montana as quickly as they could with no delays.  The only touristy thing they did was to stop and see Mt. Rushmore.

Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota
This was them “seeing” the Arch in St. Louis from the interstate.
Welcome to Montana…or the surface of the moon?

Matt is enjoying learning his way around.  He says that everyone he has met so far has been super friendly.  He even got invited to Thanksgiving dinner at a coworkers house…and he hasn’t even started work yet!

The apartment situation is great.  It’s exactly what he needs and in a great location.


Tippet, on the other hand, is not taking the adjustment quite so well.  At least when it comes to other dogs.  She is apparently not used to being around other dogs and is constantly sniffing and nervous on walks and growling at other dogs she sees.  And Matt says there are other dogs everywhere.

I shouldn’t be to surprised, though.  Months ago we took her to a very nice dog kennel here in Marion when we went out of town.  When we returned, I asked how she had done expecting the “Oh she was wonderful” response.  The answer I got was how nervous she was the entire time and how she didn’t get along with the other dogs.  We were highly recommended to use a dog-sitter next time.  I took that to mean our sweet, loving, playful Tippet had been kicked out!!

As a first time dog-momma, I now know the importance of making sure your pup plays with other dogs.  She does wonderful with children but apparently not with her own species.

Matt starts his job tomorrow and we begin day 9 of being apart.  Prayers are appreciated for his first day on the job as well as the selling of our house.  We have had a lot of showings but no offers.

Patience is not a quality I exhibit well in many areas of my life.  And patience is even harder when there is nothing you can do to change the situation…other than prayer.

I am ready for all of us to begin this new adventure together…and not apart.  I am ready to begin discovering a new city together.  I am ready to be meeting new people together.  I am ready to be TOGETHER.

Let your HOPE keep you joyful, be PATIENT in your troubles, and PRAY at all times.

Romans 12:12

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